Your Life Your Choice
What if you become seriously ill or incapacitated due to accident or other unforeseen events? What if you became terminally ill or couldn’t speak due to stroke? You’d need to indicate what medical treatment you would want, or not want at such a time.
If you don’t have a spouse or family close by, your defacto partner or friends may not be legally recognised as next of kin by treating doctors. They may not be able to make medical decisions on your behalf.
But there are ways to formalise your wishes about medical care and intervention by making an Advanced Health Directive before the unexpected happens.
At David Mills Lawyers we are pleased to assist with the drafting of an Advanced Health Directive to work in conjunction with your Enduring Power of Attorney to ensure your rights and needs are protected both now and in the future.
Why choose David Mills Lawyers?
Talk to us about protecting yourself before you become ill.